Webinar Series - OSHA Compliance 2016
The Final OSHA GHS Deadline: What You Need to Know Now!
Date | July 6, 2016 at 11:00 am (Eastern Standard Time)
Sign up today! Space is limited. Don't miss the GHS webinar series that has helped thousands of safety professionals manage OSHA's adoption of the Globally Harmonzied System.
OSHA's adoption of GHS set in motion a series of deadlines, the third of which - Dec. 1, 2015 - recently passed. The next, and final big deadlines is June 1, 2016.
This webinar is for employers looking to stay on top of HazCom compliance. It reviews the basics of HazCom and GHS, provides a snap shot of what's happening today, including breaking GHS news, and covers a host of tips and best practices for managing the transition to GHS.
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